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Improving the Delivery Process with a Comprehensive Proof of Delivery Solution

Proof of Delivery(POD) apps can improve delivery efficiency to varying degrees. A comprehensive enterprise POD solution does so by providing insights and management of all parts of the delivery process. Our recommendation is to step back and break down the process into steps. Analyze product staging, truck loading, delivery process, and the return process.  Then determine how your solution helps or falls short.

Load the truck. Your company may stage product for delivery as it is manufactured or received from other vendors. The delivery person may transfer the staged items from the staging inventory location into their truck location.  The driver should have a list of inventory items for verification and then be able to accept the inventory into their truck location. Can this inventory transaction be done on the POD app?

On the Road. Your driver needs to know where to go. This route information varies by company but should include an ordered list of stops and what to deliver. The driver should be able to get directions from stop to stop. They should get an ETA when going from location to location. Be able to report route status such as break downs and on lunch. Does your solution report route status?

Driver Support. The POD App should be a support center for the driver. The delivery ticket should include a complete address, phone number, and name of the delivery location. With this information, a POD App can provide directions, send text alerts to customers, and give the driver the ability to contact the customer. A POD solution needs to handle all situations that can arise, such as damaged product and customers that refuse product. The driver is trying to make the deliveries as fast as possible, your app needs to help them.  Does your App help?

Your Best Friend. The POD App is the company’s best friend. The app should collect the required POD information, such as GPS location, name and signature of person whom received the product, and photos. This information allows the company to have proof the product was delivered and in what condition with little burden on a delivery person. The POD solution should also inform management and customer service on route status. Allowing your internal teams to get information they need without reaching out to a driver.

John Kangas is the CEO, partner and developer at FwdMbl Solutions. FwdMbl Solutions, LLC is a provider of mobile sales and proof of delivery solutions that improve and change the sale process. Our Proof of Delivery solutions does all these things and more.  Our approach is mature and comprehensive.  We make the entire process better.



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