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Four Ways Customer Portals Pay for Themselves

Four ways Customers Portals pay for themselves.

Like many of you, I work all hours of the day. I have core hours but I always slide in more work in the early morning or late afternoon. I expect big things from the companies and vendors I work with. I need access to credit balances, banking information, and software downloads at the oddest times. I work with companies that provide me access to my data 24×7. They may be closed for the day but I can still get all I need from their portal. In return, I am loyal to these partners. I buy from them, I ask them questions, and I surely give them referrals. If you want your customers to do the same thing, give them service so good they will not leave. Give them an amazing portal!

Web Portals are a low-risk software purchase because it’s easy to get an amazing return on your investment. This is because they serve so many functions. You can sell your product on them. You can answer support questions with them. You can sign up new customers with them. You can market with them. The list goes on and on. Here are the four ways Customer Portals pay for themselves!


Improve Customer Relations. Customer Portals give the customer instant access to information and cut down on wait time. Which customer is going to be happier? The one who searched for your contact number with poor cell signal for 20 minutes, then spent 45 minutes on hold. Who then talked to a rep who tried to help but was not sure of the answer, and placed the customer on hold again. Who was then told to go to another website, do something and then call back (This just happened to me). OR the customer who went to your Customer Portal, logged in, and got the information they needed right away. Customers buy from people and companies they like. People like convenience, so using a customer portal to make their experience with your company easy will make them like you and it will improve the customer relationship.

Help Control the Support Center. You need people to answer the calls when customers call in. No portal = More Calls = More People on the Support Desk. A Customer Portal allows customers to help themselves. A well-designed Customer Portal can provide the same information the support center does. Sure this is not 100% of the time but if you can cut support calls down by 25%, that is a huge manpower savings.  The plan is to shift work from the support center to the customer via the Customer Portal. Customers are more than happy to use a Customer Portal when it saves them time.

Allows You to Up-sell. First of all, I am not a fan of Ads on a Customer Portal. But, there are oh-so-subtle ways to up-sell a customer. Add an order again button on the screen when the customer is viewing old orders. Allow customers to sign up for product at regular intervals, removing the need for them to come and order, you just ship on a regular schedule. Tell them ways to use your products, while showing them an option to make their experience better, or provide items that are normally purchased together. Customers will purchase under these scenarios without feeling like you are overpowering them.

Separates You from your Competition. Business 101, teaches us to know your competition.  Does your competition allow customers to pay online, access warranty data, and manage their accounts? Are they enjoying the benefits listed above while your company is not?  Maybe not, but getting a Customer Portal will give you a leg up and your competition will be chasing you. In today’s world, companies grow by making themselves available to customers 24×7 and by looking for ways to be better every day. Customer Portals help to do that.


Investing in a Customer Portal is a great way to ensure that your company remains on the cutting edge. Customer Portals allow you to be available to your customers 24×7 and the convenience of them will help you establish a great relationship with your customers. With more issues and enquires being resolved by the customers themselves your company can save money by reducing the staff at your support center. Customer Portals are also a great way to connect with your customers and do some up-selling without being overbearing. Get a customer portal today and be a step ahead of your competition!


John Kangas is the CEO, partner and developer at FwdMbl Solutions. FwdMbl Solutions, LLC is a provider of Enterprise Android and iOS Apps for Mobile Sales, Direct Store Delivery, Proof of Delivery, and Account Management.


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